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Abuse of resources: -Gautam Joshi


AB is the starting of the alphabet but when put before use, might end the effectiveness and ability of anything.

There's a fine line between good and bad, and this thin line is what marks the difference between use and abuse. Disposal and power at hand when used for a cause have fruitful outputs, but when this is utilized wrongly, might lead to the rotting of this fruit.

Whatever you have at hand should be used for your benefit, but not at the cost of

someone else's harm. One's benefit isn't a benefit when someone else is at a loss. Similarly, when a resource is put to use for someone's betterment while trading off another's, that resource doesn't remain a resource, it becomes a liability, depleting the sanity, rights, and peace of humanity.

Resource, how big or small, abuse, is what shouldn't be done. It is better to have a below-par usage than an above-par

usage. Resources might be something physical, mental, or metaphorically anything and everything.

It is anything that is put to use and shouldn't be exploited, be it a substance, human, or emotion. Too much of anything is bad. Suppose you are a gym freak and your protein shake for you, is a resource. You would consume it every day, thinking of it as an asset adding to your muscles. But this notion might be harmful as this overuse might be an abuse and might pile up in your body deteriorating your health.

When talking about the physical aspects of the word resource, if you think about water, sun, money, or anything in this world, and use it mindlessly today, there'll be a dearth of it in the future, and even using might require a second thought.

Similarly, when you put yourself out to people, being extremely vulnerable, you might expose your vulnerability to be a resource that would be tapped again and again and would be misused as a weapon against you. Vulnerability might be confused as a weakness and be abused against your will. Your emotions might be considered as something, readily available, waiting to be mutilated.

Your availability is another resource. Being available for everyone is nice, but when this availability is taken for granted, then it is something you should note. This resource, when kept respecting the boundaries, is the best idea. When you would be available for yourself, only then can you be available to the world.

We think that mental and physical resources are all available for use until they are all gone. Taking them for granted, and subjecting them to multiple abuses is what leads to the dead end.

Everything is a resource only till it is used, when this use mingles up with a negative intention, it becomes an abuse. You have things at your disposal and discretion, as the fine line between use and abuse is very fine, and differs by the letters AB, which in Hindi translates to now!

The decision to use or abuse lies in your hands now, but might not remain forever because if not now, then it's never!

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