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All you have is a free will - Gautam Joshi


What it takes to live is free will! Even to do the simplest of tasks, willingness is desired and one who has a will surely has a way.

Human beings being the most complex of all organisms, have tendencies and emotions, more complex than them, as even when you can do a task with minimal effort, you might not do it, because you lacked the will.

Will is the summation of Wants, Inner desires, Likeness, and Likeliness, and these are the factors that govern, what you do. It is your will, which differs from the tasks that you can do and which you do.

Will forms the root of your life, your choices, and ultimately where you land. Your will is the shaping structure of the future. Will makes way is the mantra to a fruitful life. It is the willingness of a person, which demonstrates their capabilities, interests, and whether they would be an asset or a liability. Thus willingness is a common need in this multifaceted life.

Imagine a student studying the subjects which they are forced to take, now, it is definitely against their will to do so. It would not let them explore the various options, enhance their creativity and work with their soul and heart.

What comes from the heart and what makes you happy is what you work on. It is your will that is instilled in things that make your heart happy. If an artist is given a choice to drive a car or make paintings, he would make the paintings, because that is what makes them happy. Will is an idea brewed out of happiness and interests. If you mix the two, this leads to tasks that are liked by you and these are the things that you are most likely to do.

Even life is a matter of will. Those who live with happiness and are content with their lives, search for the silver lining in the slightest of things that exist. This gives them the motivation to survive, and those who find flaws in everything and lack will doubt the greatest of opportunities and happiness.

If you have the will, the mountains would seem small to climb but if you lack it, even a straight path is difficult to follow. After all, will is a skill that everybody has yet is channelized, and the one who masters control over his will can seek brightness even in the darkest days!

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