The subject of whether work should be included among the reasons for happiness or sadness is debatable. There is surely a lot of labor that is inconvenient, and too much effort is always painful. Work is not less stressful for most individuals than idleness. Work can range from simple solace to boredom to profound delights, depending on the nature of the job and the worker's ability.
Most people's work is not particularly intriguing by itself, but it does provide certain perks. To begin with, it allows one to fill several hours of the day without having to decide what to do. When given the freedom to occupy their time with whatever they choose, most people struggle to come up with something engaging enough to be worthwhile. And no matter what they choose, they can't seem to shake the idea that anything else would have been more joyful.
The potential to sensibly fill leisure time is the last result of modernity, and only a few people have mastered this level. Furthermore, the act of choosing is exhausting by itself. Except for persons with remarkable initiative, being told what to do at all hours of the day is downright delightful, as long as the commands are not too harsh.
As a result of their drudgery, the majority of the idle rich suffer from intolerable boredom. They may find solace in traveling the world, but such experiences are limited, particularly after youth has faded. As a result, bright wealthy men work nearly as hard as if they were poor.
Occupation is thus valued primarily as little more than a way to dodge boredom, particularly the boredom that a man experiences when he is forced to do something; nonetheless, uninteresting work is just as monotonous as having nothing to do. This benefit of work amplifies the joy of holidays when they arrive. If a person doesn't get to perform so hard that his valor is weakened, he is likely to find far more satisfaction in his freebie than a lazy man.
Another virtue of most paid labor, as well as some unpaid effort, is that it provides an opportunity for success and aspiration. Most jobs judge success by pay, and this will continue to be the case as long as our capitalist society exists. When you have a good reputation, even the most mundane tasks become bearable. One of the most important aspects of pleasure is a sense of purpose, which is primarily obtained through work.