( Edited by - Divya Jain )
“Never Regret a day in your life because it was exactly what you wanted”
We all do many activities in our day-to-day life. We act according to our needs and wants, there is no point in time when we do things out of the box. Our action is always based on the need of the hour or what seems right to us at that point in time.
The thing is that we often do forget is the thought behind the action that why we did it, the emotion behind it, and how the thought arose in our mind which made us act accordingly, we never try to figure it out, and hence we regret about it if it turns out in a different way, other than our desired result.
Rather than feeling uneasy and regretting that the action we did was wrong or that we could have done that in a different way, we need to understand ourselves better. We can’t do anything in the present to recover that past act.
Learning from that past experience will help us to do better in life, that's how things work, and how reality is different from our fancies.
Instead of remaining in that regretful state, we can do certain things to feel better and learn from that past experience, which will miraculously transform our life;
Write it down on paper about things that are disturbing you right now, and distracting you from the work which is really important for you to do right now.
Then write down the ways or solutions on the other side of the paper that you can do to improve or to make it better. If you need to ask anyone about the solution, go ahead. Take the action or talk directly to the person concerned.
But if there is nothing you can do right now, then you should let go of things that aren't in your control, and make space for the new things to enter your life.
Instead of regretting the things you can’t fix. Analyze the things that did not turn out your way, and the mistakes you did, what you learned from them, this will give you a whole new direction in life, you will think twice before making the same mistake and you will gain confidence that you are grown up.
These small habits of self-analyzing and learning from your past experience will drastically change your whole life.
As said, “ Good days give happiness, bad days give experience, worst days give lessons, and best days give memories.”
Enjoy life to the fullest. Every morning is the new start of life, seize the day, it will never come back.