"Sometimes an angel, sometimes a hell-raiser but always strong"
The story you know, the struggle you don't!
It takes a lot of strength, courage, and zeal to be her. One person as they may say, but many roles to play. A woman is a mother, sister, wife and so much more. So many roles to play, yet dismayed.
With her emotions, the world plays yet is subjected to such disgrace. Harassment and catcalling might be mere words for me and you, yet for the one, who experiences it, it drenches their heart, dismantles their peace, and questions their existence. Is it their fault?
Was there something wrong with what she wore? Did it reveal too much? Was it something that she shouldn't have worn?
These are the questions that are raised when a woman is subjected to the apathy of this insensitive world. But on re-reading the questions, don't you feel there's something wrong?
Of Course, there is! Is it seriously a matter of what she wears and how she dresses up or when she goes out? A woman is catcalled and harassed even in bright daylight, even when she's wearing what society terms as 'appropriate'. It is not the one who's wronged, it depends on who wronged her!
In the 21st century, when we talk about being on Mars, developing technologies, and creating revolutionary ideas, we still fall short on equality, opportunity, and empathy towards women.
It is all etched in the mindset- a preconceived societal notion, that a woman is meant to be an object, fulfilling the expectations of those around. An object for pleasing the desires of those soul-quenching fires. A world where one hand, you offer her prayers, and on the other hand, you traumatize her with your lewd stares.
Hooting, calling, passing comments and so much more, those devils never leave a chance! It is then, which makes a woman thick-skinned. Calls for justice, and help, and never respected, cause such things happen, are expected.
It may be a mere comment or an action for you, but it can shatter someone's inside, it can shatter someone's existence and it can shatter, someone's belief in humanity.
Where are we heading, as a society?
Is this world a safe place for females? These questions are what are immediate thoughts are. It all lies in education, awareness, sensitization empathizing, and gender education. Making your sons realize what's wrong and making your daughters stand up against the wrong!
Gender budgeting, inclusivity in the corporate world, and politics, with increasing literacy and employment rate, seems to be that tad bit of sunshine in this cloudy sky.
Though, there are rays of hope, in this gloomy sky, the bright sky is still a long way to go. Unless respect and equality come from within, the sky would be far-reaching!
Realizing from within that it takes a lot to be her because it is her who forms a hero, and it is a woman without whom, a man is incomplete, would be the dawn to sunrise of progress and equality!