Self-study has become very crucial to learn the skills that are needed in today's competitive world. It is always been recommended by our teachers, to revise the stuff after school, as self-learning is more effective to analyze things compared to the traditional classroom or attending classes.
Innately self-driven students, prefer learning visually and independently and grasp new things fast, tend to do fine with the self-study option.
All the great people like bill gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett all these people are self-taught. Self-study helps students to broaden their level of thinking as well as learning. It gives the student to study topics in deep and analyze and execute them in the real world. A self-learning is a new form of learning that is equipping people with skills that are relevant to their daily activities. Self-study sharpens the mind and mostly gives an advantage over others. If you become a self-learner, you are bold in the decisions in your life.
Learning gives clarity more than classroom learning. Warren Buffet-richest man in the world started reading books about investments and finance and various books that taught him the knowledge of shareholding and investing and now he became one of the greatest businessmen in the world.
The virtue of self-study should be used to increase awareness of our actions and reactions so that our strengths and weaknesses can be revealed to us. When that happens, we are more willing to accept who we are. We also become more able to strategically utilizes our strengths to eliminate our weaknesses for our benefit and the benefit of others.
Self-learning gives an idea of the subject beyond what our textbooks show. There are still many uneducated, who are successful in their life; but the adapted habit of reading quality books by themselves to tackle this world and nurture themself with the knowledge they got.
"Former education will make you living; Self-Education will make you fortune"