You know why people keep saying to give your 100% in everything you do?
Because back in the days when I was a kid, I didn’t understand why people kept saying this over and over again, be it my parents, be it my teachers, or even someone whom I didn’t know. I used to think about it a lot, and one day I found out exactly what this statement meant.
Giving 100 percent means committing yourself fully to your goals, or, as we can say, to every task that you come across.
Giving 100% or being focused on your small tasks will lead to your success because there is no mantra or shortcut to achieving your goals or becoming successful.
there’s always one way to accomplish your goals. But giving your 100% is not an easy job because you will come across so many distractions on your way to success.
These distractions include bad grades, arguments, breakdowns, rejections, and the list goes on. Distractions always prevent us from making progress.
But to avoid these distractions, you must find the purpose of your life and prioritise your tasks based on their importance.
The most important thing to do to avoid these distractions is to identify them and try to avoid them as much as possible, because it’ll help you achieve success.
So, whatever you do, do it like it's the last time; when you work, work; when you laugh, laugh hard; and when you eat, eat just like an animal, because who cares?
We often hear the advice to give 100% in everything we do. Whether it's work, school, relationships, or hobbies, we're encouraged to put in our best effort and strive for excellence. But there is one area where giving 100% is not only unnecessary but potentially dangerous: donating blood.
Donating blood is a selfless act that can save lives. But while donating blood is a noble cause, giving 100% in this case can do more harm than good.
"Don't watch the clock; do what it does." Keep going."- Sam Levenson