Our bodies are the physical biological part of us, and our minds the thinking conscious aspects have a complicated, tangled relationship.
Our body is fully conquered by our mind, it is always around according to the way our mind wants it to be. Henceforth it is very essential to attain a healthy body you have to first ensure your mental and emotional well-being. Everything you do is only commanded by your brain.
Many times we are just lazy around, it's not our body wants it to be, it's actually our brain that wished it to be. A healthy body is an example of a healthy and active brain. Our thoughts, our work, and our habits are all being in control by our brains.
One research was done on prison, he was first wrapped around his eye with a black piece of cloth and then he was told that he'll be going to be exposed to snakes but he was got so afraid, he started sweating like hell. Meanwhile, a policeman just pinched him with a simple safety pin prison was died in fear that he got bitten by a snake. That's how our mind behaves, person mind was the victim of his death. This is a great example of a mind-body relation.
To make the work done, first make up your mind to get firm on your decision. It's the mind who will decide whether you want to be successful or not, so firstly we should have control over our mind very much.
For instance, if you had a long day but you are just fine but you keep thinking about you should be feeling tired after such a long day you will start feeling tired. This means that our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are!
Your mind is the full wilfulness that pushes the body to work. Once you have control over your mind, anything you want is possible. If you control your mind then you can control anything, If your mind controls you then someone controls you.
"Your mind can be your greatest friend if you control it but if it controls you it can be your greatest enemy"